Medical Journal of Zambia: Recent submissions
Voici les éléments 61-80 de 187
Bacterial Throat Flora in Children with Sickle Cell Anaemia (Hbss)
(Medical Journal of Zambia., 1983-10)ln 181 cases of sickle cell anaemia (Hbs.S) bacterial throat flora was studied. The commonest organisms' isolated in all age groups were alphahaemolytic streptococci of the viridans group ... -
Antihypertensive therapy with diureties without potassium supplement
(Medical Journal of Zambia., 1981-11)Compliance is a major problem in maintaining optimum anti-hypertensive therapy, particularly in a asymptomatic mild hypertensives. Drugs with side dose regimen and minimum of side effects have the maximum chance ... -
Granulomatous aortitis and pulmonary trunk arthritis: a case report.
(Medical journal of zambia, 1983-10)A case of granulomatous inflammation of aorta and pulmonary trunk in a 14 year old African female is presented. She also had bilateral tuberculous` bronchopneumonia and extensive tuberculosis of ileum. ... -
Using e-learning for skills transfer, motivation and retention of health workers in Zambia.
(Medical Journal of Zambia., 2016)Health system strengthening continues to be a moving target for developing countries with the human resource factor the most critical bottleneck towards universal health coverage. The human resource management cycle revolves ... -
A retrospective study of CT findings of intracranial Tuberculosis in patients with AIDS in University Teaching Hospital, Lusaka, Zambia
(Medical Journal of Zambia., 2008-01)To study the computed tomography (CT) findings of intracranialtuberculosis(T.B)inpatients with acquired immune deficiency syndrome(AIDS). CT findings of intracranial T.B in 40 patients with AIDS were retrospectively analyzed. ... -
Determining how the knowledge of anatomy may Influence success or failure in clinical practice
(Medical journal of zambia, 2007-10)Doctors' clinical experience can be an important source of information for content selection in developing clinically oriented anatomy courses. Although expert opinion and personal preference have been the principal ... -
Putting Men's Reproductive Health on the Agenda A vital ingredient for Successful implementation for Reproductive Health Programs?
(Medical Journal of Zambia., 2003-01)Taken within the framework of the World Health Organisation {WHO} definition of health, reproductive health implies that individuals are able to have a responsible, satisfying and safe sex life; and that they can ... -
Partnership for effective reproductive health services
(Medical Journal of Zambia., 2003-01)lt was only until recently that Zambia Health institutions started providing inter grated Reproductive Services. Until 1995 reproductive health in Zambia meant the provision of Family Planning Services, Antenatal, ... -
The Stable Bubble Test
(Medical Journal of Zambia., 1977-04)Idiopathic Respiratory Distress syndrome (I.R.D.S.) occurs mainly in preterm babies (Halliday and Mcclure,1976). The cause of the condition is a deficiency of surfactant in the fetal lung. ... -
A "Pull-Out" Technique for ``Cut down" Operations.
(Medical Journal of Zambia., 1977-06)lt is a common experience that some patients continue to attend outpatient departments with their cut-down wounds long after their primary disease is cured. This is so because a cut-down is done usually in an ... -
Biliary lipids and the paucity of cholesterol gallstone disease in Zambia
(Medical Journal of Zambia, 1974)The concept that cholesterol gallstone formation is the result of precipitation of cholesterol from super-saturated bile has been confirmed by the demonstration that gallstone-containing bladder bile had a concentration ... -
A comparison of the effects of salbutamol, fenoterol, and placebo aerosols on airway resistance in asthmatics
(Medical Journal of Zambia, 1976-12)The reduction in airways resistance, assessed by measurements of forced expiratory volume in one second, vital capacity and peak expiratory flow rate was estimated before and after inhalation of ... -
Plasmatic vasculosls resulting from dysoria : a modern confirmation of Aschoff's holistic view on vascular diseases
(Medical Journal of Zambia, 1970-01)In his writings, Aschoff (1924) mentions "the invading stream of plasma" and this he suspected must normally be traversing arterial walls outwards from the lumen, basing his concept in part at least on the observation that ... -
Differential solubility test for haemoglobin S
(Bhushan, V. Chintu, C. Masona, J., (1980). Differential solubility test for haemoglobin S. Medical Journal of Zambia. Volume 15 (1), 1980-12)Two hundred and seventy-eight blood specimens were examined, both by the Sickle-quik solubility test and haemoglobin electrophoresis on paper. Two hundred and sixty specimens (96.04%) were correctly identified ... -
Teaching and teacher education for health professionals: perspectives on quality and outlook of health professionals education in Zambia
(Medical Journal of Zambia, 2008-04)To measure students' perspectives on the teaching quality of the school of medicine at University of Zambia and concurrently measure health professionals educators perspectives on the need for teaching courses ... -
Variation in the sensitivity to normal human serum of clone-drived antigenic variants of trypanosoma (trypanozoon) brucei complex trypanosomes
(Medical Journal of Zambia, 1977-04)The present concept of T. rhodesiense sleeping sickness epidemiology rests, to some extent at least, upon the long-held belief that the infectivity for man of Trypanosoma (Trypanozoon rhodesiense and the ... -
Pre-Clinical Development of Drugs
(Medical Journal of Zambia, 1977-04)The purpose of this paper is to present a brief outline of the essential requirements in the postresearch phase of drug development. At present evolution of new drugs, is largely a ... -
The process of producing the modified ministry of health (MOH) TBA training curriculum
(Medical Journal of Zambia, 2016-04)The MOH TBA Training Curriculum has been in Draft fomi since its documentation in 1996. This curriculum does not state when it was reviewed last or when it needs to be reviewed again in-order to incorporate new trends ... -
Biomechanical basis of the tibial recurvation osteotomy
(Medical Journal of Zambia., 1983-07)Tibial recurvation osteotomy which was introduced by Lok, et al more than ten years ago has been applied to over 140 patients with a high rate of success. Results depend on the preoperative functional status of the ... -
Students' and doctors' performance in an anatomy knowledge test: a comparison between traditional and clinical anatomy
(Medical Journal of Zambia, 2007-07)The study compared test performance in an anatomy knowledge test between medical students from a traditional anatomy course, a clinical anatomy course, from clinical clerkships, and practising doctors. The study participants ...