Plasmatic vasculosls resulting from dysoria : a modern confirmation of Aschoff's holistic view on vascular diseases
In his writings, Aschoff (1924) mentions "the invading stream of plasma" and this he suspected must normally be traversing arterial walls outwards from the lumen, basing his concept in part at least on the observation that in atheroma a fatty materia,I accumulated against the inner face of the internal elastic lamina.This seemed to him to be validated by the fatty accumulation
at the same site in the hyperlipaemic experimental animals of Anitschkow. But fat is not an ideal marker; fat might be formed locally by breakdown of ischaemic tissues. It is sad that Aschoff had no staining method for fibrin able to provide at the same time a satisfactory delineation of the tissues of the site. This probably explains the strange fact that he scarcely mentioned fibrin in his discussion.
Lendrum, A. C. (1970). Plasmatic vasculosls resulting from dysoria : a modern confirmation of Aschoff's holistic view on vascular diseases. Medical Journal of Zambia. Volume 4 (1)Sponsorhip
Office of Global AIDS/US Department of StatePublisher
Medical Journal of Zambia
This document contains two black and white figure illustrations of fibrin and fibrinogen.