Browsing University of Zambia ADHL Node by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 1570
Multiple pregnancy in Zambia
(Medical Journal of Zambia, 1967-04)An analysis of 151 twin pregnancies and 4 triplets delivered during 1966 is presented. The incidence of twin pregnancy is 1 in 37 and triplets 1 in 1,414. The maternal mortality in this series was nil. The perinatal mortality ... -
Possible chloroquine resistant malaria in Zambia
(Medical Journal of Zambia, 1967-04)In the fight against malaria the synthetic anti-malarials were greeted with great hopes. However,since their introduction there has been the disturbing evolution of strains of malaria resistant to them. In1947 resistance ... -
Haemosiderosis osteoporosis and scurvy
(Medical Journal of Zambia, 1967-04)A case of haemosiderosis, osteoporosis, vertebral collapse and scurvy occurring in a Zambian African male is described in detail. -
Possible encephalitis following B.C.G vaccination
(Medical Journal of Zambia, 1967-04)Four cases of an encephalitis-like illness 3 week after BCG vaccination are described, and alternative explanations of the occurrence are discussed. As none of these explanations account for all the features of the illnesses, ... -
The diagnosis of leprosy - common errors
(Medical journal of zambia, 1967-10)Would the correct diagnosis of leprosy have been easier if this disease had been described in textbooks on Neurology instead of Dermatology? The emphasis on the ... -
Urban Clinics in Lusaka
(Medical Journal of Zambia., 1967-10)There are five large urban clinics in Lusaka (urban and peri-urban population 150,000 in 1966)1. These clinics are open from 8 to 4 on weekdays ... -
Cushing's Syndrome in a Zambian Youth
(Medical Journal of Zambia., 1967-10)A case of Cushing's Syndrome treated by adrenalectomy is described. CUSHING'S syndrome is an uncommon disorder in the European and has seldom been reported in the African. This case is ... -
Kwashiorkor: Some Reflections
(Medical Journal of Zambia., 1967-10)The subject of malnutrition in Zambia is one receiving an increasing amount of attention and publicity. Work is being undertaken to assess the incidence and severity of this condition as ... -
The geography of Lusaka city clinics
(Medical Journal of Zambia., 1968-10)The following account describes a study undertaken by senior geography and social work students of the University of Zambia in a fact-finding exercise for the Ministry of Health. The aims were to enumerate all out-patients ... -
Aspects of renal disease in Zambia
(University of Zambia, Medical Library, 1968-10)Chronic renal disease is a problem seen not infrequently on the medical wards of hospitals in Zambia. This paper represents an attempt to study the types seen both clinically and at post-mortem, as have occurred throughout ... -
Endomyocardial fibrosis in a Zambian
(University of Zambia, Medical Library, 1968-10)The purpose of this communication is to report a proven case of endomyocardial fibrosis 03.M.F.) in a Zambian African. Most of Zambia is situated on a high plateau 4,000 feet or more above sea level. and the ... -
Aneurysm of the left ventricle: a report of two cases from Zambia
(Medical Journal of Zambia, 1968-10)Two cases of aneurysm of the left ventricle occurring in Zambians are described: the probable congenital nature of such aneurysms usually found in the African races is contrasted with the origin from myocardial ischaemia ... -
Schistosomiasis Mansoni: A survey of its incidence at Luampa Hospital
(Medical Journal of Zambia, 1969-01)Because of the frequent finding of Schistosoma Mansoni in the stools of patients seen at Luampa Mission Hospital, it was decided to endeavour to determine the incidence of the parasite in this area. ... -
Disseminated Cryptococcosis
(Medical Journal of Zambia., 1969-01)Infection with C. neoformans, a yeast-like fungus is being recognised more frequently than hitherto. The clinical diagnosis of Cryptococcosis is difficult. Symptoms of meningo-encephalitis are the ... -
A Surgical Aspect of Pulmonary Tuberculosis in African Children
(University of Zambia, Medical Library, 1969-01)The main purpose of this paper is to present a plea for a rational approach to hilar lymphadenectomy in the prevention of bronchiectasis, destroyed lung, emphysema and a massive tally of crippling respiratory ... -
The Red Eye
(Medical Journal of Zambia., 1969-01)The majority of recently-qualified practitioners approach the red eye with considerable trepidation, presumably because ophthalmology occupied a small part of their training, or, more likely, ... -
Investigation of suspected Resistance of P. falciparum to Chloroquine in Zambia
(Medical Journal of Zambia, 1969-01)In 1967 Himpoo and MacCallum (1967) reported three cases of possible chloroquine resistance of P. falciparum in Broken Hill (Kabwe), Zambia. Although a number of such claims of chloroquine ... -
Four Cases of Extra Uterine Pregnancy
(Medical Journal of Zambia., 1969-01)On 16.2.67 an African women from 140 miles away was admitted with severe abdominal pain. She appeared to be at term There was some fluid in the abdomen and the foetus appeared to be lying in the abdomen transversely. ... -
A Diet Survey in Kalene Hill Area
(Medical Journal of Zambia., 1969-01)This survey of local diet was undertaken into two chiefdoms near Kalene Hill hospital during September, 1968. The inquiry was' undertaken` as a corollary to, and at the same time as, clinical studies of ... -
Neonatal hypoglycaemia
(Medical Journal of Zambia., 1970-01)The clinical significance of blood glucose levels in the newborn of diabetic and non-diabetic mothers is still under debate. Low blood glucose levels which would cause serious symptoms in adults have been frequently recorded ...