Now showing items 1-20 of 29

    • Assessment of the Regulatory Framework for Maternal, Newborn Child Health and Nutrition (MNCH&N) Services in Zambia: 

      Ministry of Health (University of Zambia, Medical Library, 2014-07)
      Many national reports have indicated the decline in both maternal and childhood mortality in Zambia since the Millennium Declaration by the United Nations. The decline has, however, been slower for neonatal mortality. ...
    • Baseline Household Survey LQAS Zambia 

      Ministry of Health (University of Zambia, Medical Library, 2015-11)
      As part of national efforts to reduce maternal, neonatal and child mortality, the Ministry of Community Development /Mother and Child Health and UNICEF Zambia, with support from the European Union (EU) is implementing a ...
    • Community Based Volunteers Skills Audit Survey Report 

      Ministry of Health (University of Zambia, Medical Library, 2014-11)
      Following the realignment of the functions of social welfare, community development and maternal and child health under one ministry, the ministry of Community Development, Mother and Child Health (MCDMCH) – a research ...
    • Consolidated Guidelines On Person‑Centered HIV Patient Monitoring and Case Surveillance 

      Ministry of Health (World Health Organisation, 2017-06)
      In 2015, WHO published consolidated guidelines on strategic information for HIV in the health sector, including new indicators organized along the cascade of HIV prevention, testing, treatment and care (1). Those guidelines ...
    • e-Health Strategy 2017-2021 

      Ministry of Health (University of Zambia, Medical Library, 2017)
      The Government of the Republic of Zambia through its ongoing health sector reforms aims to improve health outcomes. As a part of these reforms the Ministry of Health had developed, among other strategies, the National ...
    • Guidelines for the Medicines and Therapeutics Committee (MTCs) 

      Ministry of Health (Ministry of Health, 2017)
      The Multiplicity of medicines available and the complexities surrounding their safe and effective use make it necessary for hospitals to have an organised sound programme for maximising rational use of medicine. The ministry ...
    • Health facility and health worker baseline assessment for reproductive, maternal, neonatal, child health and nutrition services 

      Ministry of Health (University of Zambia, Medical Library, 2015-02)
      Rationale for the baseline health facility and health worker evaluation continued, stronger and coordinated efforts are needed to reduce health disparities, ensure high coverage, and move Zambia closer to its MDG targets. ...
    • Health HIV Case Based Surveillance 

      Ministry of Health (University of Zambia, Medical Library, 2017-06)
      UN/AIDS & WHO recommend case surveillance as part of a comprehensive system of 2nd Generation Surveillance. 2nd Generation HIV Surveillance is designed to help countries: Concentrate SI resources where they will yield the ...
    • Health Professions’ Specialty Training Guidelines For Zambia 

      Ministry of Health (University of Zambia, Medical library, 2017-08-04)
      This edition of “Specialty Training Programme Guidelines for Zambia” (The First Edition 2017) is a seminal referral document because it provides, for Zambia, guidance to the inception and first ever guidelines to postgraduate ...
    • Health Sector Supply Chain Strategy and Implementation Plan (2015-2017) 

      Ministry of Health (University of Zambia, Medical Library, 2015)
      The procurement and supply of essential medicines and medical supplies has been a key concern within the health sector in Zambia since the 1970s. During these last five decades, a number of significant interventions have ...
    • Human Resources For Health Planning & Development Strategy Framework 

      Ministry of Health (University of Zambia, Medical Library, 2017-07-07)
      Zambia has about 1.2 physicians, nurses, and midwives per 1000 population while the minimum acceptable density threshold is 2.3 per 1000 population. The estimated shortage of doctors, nurses and midwives in Zambia is about ...
    • Information & Communication Technology Standards and Guidelines 

      Ministry of Health (Ministry of Health, 2014-02)
      This document establishes the Information & Communications Technology Standards and Guidelines for the Ministry of Health. The Ministry of Health is responsible for health in this country and it has embraced ICTs as an ...
    • Medical equipment management guidelines 

      Ministry of Health (University of Zambia, Medical Library, 2012-09)
      The Ministry of Health together with its partners realizes that efficient and effective delivery of clinical care is highly dependent on the availability of appropriate equipment and accessories which are in good functioning ...
    • Medical equipment standard lists for 2nd level hospitals 

      Ministry of Health (University of Zambia, Medical Library, 2012-09)
      Our health services have been stratified into various levels in order to provide the range of health care from primary to specialist care as close to the families as possible. Each level of care is designed to provide ...
    • Medical Equipment Standard Lists for 3rd Level Hospitals 

      Ministry of Health (University of Zambia, Medical Library, 2012-09)
      Our health services have been stratified into various levels in order to provide the range of health care from primary to specialist care as close to the families as possible. Each level of care is designed to provide ...
    • National Cancer Control Strategic Plan (NCCSP) 2016-2021 

      Ministry of Health (University of Zambia, Medical Library, 2016)
      Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are a major cause of disability and premature death and contribute substantially to the escalating costs of health care. In Zambia, their onset is often insidious. Patients often present ...
    • National Cancer Control Strategic Plan 2016 - 2021 

      Ministry of Health (Ministry of Health, 2016)
      Zambia is currently experiencing a high burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) with significant consequences on morbidity and mortality. Among the four NCDs, cancer has had significant morbidity and mortality, especially ...
    • National Health Policy, 2012 

      Ministry of Health (University of Zambia, Medical Library, 2012-08)
      This National Health Policy outlines a statement by the Zambian Government to set clear directions for the development of the Health Sector in Zambia. The policy is anchored in the Vision 2030 and shall be implemented ...
    • National Health Strategic Plan (2011-2015) 

      Ministry of Health (University of Zambia, Medical Library, 2011)
      Since 1992, the Zambian Government has been implementing significant health sector reforms, aimed at strengthening health service delivery in order to improve the health status of Zambians. The reforms have yielded significant ...
    • National Health--Care Waste Management Plan 2015 – 2019 

      Ministry of Health (Ministry of Heath, 2015)
      This document has been developed as a guide to all institutions producing health care waste in planning and implementation of interventions that will reduce mismanagement of hazardous waste in Zambia. The National Health-Care ...