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dc.contributor.authorNarone, J.N.
dc.contributor.authorNarone, R.K.
dc.contributor.authorWadhawa, S.
dc.contributor.authorWacha, D.S.O.
dc.identifier.citationNarone, J.N. Narone, R.K. Wadhawa, S. and Wacha, D.S.O. (1981). Role of Cervical Cytology in Gynaecological Practice. Medical Journal of Zambia. 16 (1)en
dc.descriptionExfoliative cytopathology is a potent tool for the early detection and thereby eradication of cervical cancer and reducing mortality for many others.en
dc.description.abstractExfoliative cytopathology is a potent tool for the early detection and thereby eradication of cervical cancer and reducing mortality for many others. Besides, it has a vital role to play in diagnosis and therapy of infections specially trichomoniasis for which it gives a permanent record. The simplicity and rapidity of the technique is the greatest advantage for screening a wider group of population and thus guide us toward further diagnostic procedures. Exfoliative cytology was soccessfully introduced by Papanicolaou and Traut in 1943. Since then the clinical utilization is rapidly expanding due to its inmense value to the patients. It gives diagnosis of disease at stages earlier than even possible. It indicates the need for further essential diagnostic procedures and then evaluates their accuracy. Prompt treatment and follow up response has been rendered possible with this simple and rapid aid. Clinical eytopathology became available to our Department in U.T.H., Lusaka from 1977. The aim of the study is to evaluate the role of cervical cytology in early detection of abnormal smears and also to isolate the various organisms responsible for vaginal discharge.en
dc.description.sponsorshipOffice of Global AIDS/US Department of State.en
dc.publisherMedical Journal of Zambia. 16 (1)en
dc.relation.ispartofseriesMedical Journal of Zambia. 16 (1);
dc.subjectCervical Smears---Zambiaen
dc.subjectCervical Cytology---Zambiaen
dc.subjectUterine Cervical Neoplasms---Zambiaen
dc.subjectCancer of Cervix---Zambiaen
dc.titleRole of Cervical Cytology in Gynaecological Practiceen

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