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dc.contributor.authorHira, P.R.
dc.identifier.citationHira, P.R. (1977). Wuchereria bancrofti: The staining of the microfilarial sheath in giemsa and haematoxyl in for diagnosis. Medical Journal of Zambia. Volume 11 (4)en
dc.descriptionThe article contains two specimen photographs of Microfilaria of W. bancrofti stained in giesma and destained and restained in haematoxyline showing the sheath clearly.en
dc.description.abstractIndigenous cases of bancroftian filariasis have recently been identified in the country for the first time. The diagnosis of such infections depends on demonstrating the characteristic sheathed microfilariae of Wuchereria bancrofti in the blood. Giemsa, a stain recommended by many authors, was found to be unsuitable as the microfilarial sheath, an important distinguishing feature, dues not take up the stain. In contrast, the sheath stains clearly in haematoxylin. The differences in the staining reaction of the microfilariae in the two stains is demonstrated. The need to establish the presence of the sheath is emphasized, especially since the microfilariae of Dipetalonema perstans, the widespread filarial infection in the country, are unsheathed.en
dc.description.sponsorshipOffice of Global AIDS/US Department of State.en
dc.publisherMedical Journal of Zambiaen
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVolume 10;4
dc.subjectWuchereria bancroftien
dc.subjectImmunologic Testsen
dc.subjectAzure Stainsen
dc.titleWuchereria bancrofti: The staining of the microfilarial sheath in giemsa and haematoxyl in for diagnosis.en

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