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dc.contributor.authorParmar, S.
dc.contributor.authorBhagwat, G. P.
dc.identifier.citationBhagwat, G. P. and Parmar, S. (1983). Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HbsAg): A survey of hospital staff in Zambia. Medical Journal of Zambia. 17 (4)en
dc.descriptionThe frequency of HBsAg in health workers at University Teaching Hospitalen
dc.description.abstractThe frequency of HBsAg in health workers at University Teaching Hospital appears high (3.10/o) as compared to Western health workers. The laboratory staff and the nursing staff are at higher risk than others; 8.30/o of laboratory staff and 4.7 0/o of nursing staff were positive for HBSAg. Awareness and greater care as to cleanliness and handling of samples is necessary to determine the immune status and infection with HBV by testing HBSAg, and HBSAb markers in these workers.en
dc.description.sponsorshipOffice of Global AIDS/US Department of State.en
dc.publisherMedical Journal of Zambia.en
dc.relation.ispartofseriesMedical Journal of Zambia. 17 (4);
dc.subjectHepatitis B--Zambiaen
dc.subjectHepatitis B Surface Antigens, Hospital Staff--Zambiaen
dc.subjectHBsAg--Hospital Staff--Zambiaen
dc.subjectHepatitis B Virus Infection-- Hospital Staff--Zambiaen
dc.titleHepatitis B Surface Antigen (HbsAg):en
dc.title.alternativeA survey of hospital staff in Zambiaen

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