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dc.contributor.authorMulla, Y. F.
dc.contributor.authorBaboo, S. K.
dc.identifier.citationMulla, Y. F. and Baboo, S. K. (2007). Neglected trauma in Zambia. Medical Journal of Zambia Vol. 34 (1)en
dc.descriptionNeglected trauma in Zambiaen
dc.description.abstractMany of the countries of sub-Saharan Africa have to deal with neglected trauma cases both accidental, intentional and the evidence is that they are on the increase. Those injured are from the most active part of the population imposing enormous socio economic consequences on the country. Neglected trauma in the context of this paper is defined as the inability to attend to injury or to provide aid either immediately or at the earliest possible time to enable quick healing often resulting in Salvage Surgery. This inability to provide early treatment may be due to a variety of reasons. The etiology is multi-factorial and has now reached epidemic proportions. Poverty and lack of education has played a very significant role in the increase of neglected trauma in Zambia. Many patients are unable to travel to a referral hospital due to lack of money for transport or treatment. Most rural health centers and often district hospitals do not have persomel trained in the management of trauma. The biggest question is, what is its impact and what can be done about it?en
dc.description.sponsorshipOffice of Global AIDS/US Department of State.en
dc.publisherMedical Journal of Zambiaen
dc.relation.ispartofseriesVol. 34;(1)
dc.subjectTraumatology, Management--Zambiaen
dc.subjectNeglected trauma--Zambiaen
dc.subjectSurgical Traumatology--Zambiaen
dc.titleNeglected trauma in Zambiaen

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