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dc.contributor.authorRao, G.
dc.contributor.authorKintzarski, M.
dc.identifier.citationKintzarski, M. and Rao, G. (1981). Umbilical hernia in Zambian school children. Medical Journal of Zambia. 15, (4)en
dc.description2,638 Zambian school children (1,220 boys,1,418 girls) between the ages of six and eighteen years examined for the presence of umbilical hernia. A total of 178 children had umbilical hernia giving a percentage of 6.7en
dc.description.abstract2,638 Zambian school children (1,220 boys,1,418 girls) between the ages of six and eighteen years were examined for the presence of umbilical hernia. A total of 178 children had umbilical hernia giving a percentage of 6.7. The diameter of the umbilical ring was less than 5mm in 103 and in 34 it was more than 10mm. The ratio of incidence of umbilical hernia, males to females was 5.6 : 7.8 percent crowing a slight preponderence in females.en
dc.description.sponsorshipOffice of Global AIDS/US Department of Stateen
dc.publisherUniversity of Zambia, Medical Libraryen
dc.relation.ispartofseriesMedical Journal of Zambia, 15, (4);
dc.subjectUmbilical herniaen
dc.titleUmbilical hernia in Zambian school childrenen

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